Thursday, June 25, 2009

Out And About!

Well, we are finally getting settled into our new place. We still have alot to do, but it is really nice to be together! We have been super busy, but we still have lots of fun! Living out of town is such a blessing for us, we love it!!! We see Nathan alot more as he gets to come home for lunch and the boys watch out the window all day as big trucks, tractors and 4-wheelers drive by. All I hear from Tyvan all day is "Daddy, Daddy, Tactor, Mack, Z Wa!!!" It's great!!

A few weeks ago, Nathan wanted to take the boys gopher trapping. There were alot of gophers in one of the corn fields so we went out on the ranger and set a few traps. The boys had lots of fun digging the holes and putting flags in the ground. The next day we checked them....we had caught 2!!! When we went to the first one, Brendyn kept asking if he could shoot it!! He is a true Petron! :) On the second one, Tyvan wanted to pet it and kept saying "Kitty...Kitty!!" I didn't let him touch it....they are kind of gross looking!!

Brendyn already knows how the crops grow, when they are spraying and what the tractors are doing in the field! We have been in the tractor many times with Nathan while he was planting, the boys just can't get enough of it all! Tyvan seems to relax and take it all in, while Brendyn is asking 101 questions....wanting to know what each button does, and how the potatoes go into the ground! Nathan is drilled with lots of questions, especially when he gets home from work....Brendyn is always waiting at the door asking "so Dad, what did you do at work today? " Nathan answers, then Brendyn reply's with "then what?!" over and over again until Nathan is out of things to say! It sure is cute! :)
Nathan sprays the crops, but the potatoes are getting too big so they get a chopper to come out and spray. It's pretty cool to see! The chopper will land on top of the truck, a guy will fill it up and off he goes. The boys totally enjoyed it, and of course Brendyn asked more questions! :)

As you can see in the picture below, the chopper is getting filled up. Nathan is the guy in the white shirt right under the chopper....very loud!!!

This is just a cute picture of the boys enjoying themselves in the corn field!

We are totally enjoying our summer out here! I just love being around all the farming and fields....they are so incredible! You might think I'm crazy, but I just think that the fields are so pretty and I really enjoy watching everything grow (and eating it of course!!).


Kayla said...

Yay a post;) I'm so happy that you guys are having fun living there! The boys look like they are having a blast! Isn't it great when your hubby gets to come home for lunch? I love it that I get to see Josh in the middle of his work day! You should take a picture of your belly so we can see it=)

Kristina said...

Cute pictures! Looks like you guys are enjoying it there! should post more! :) (look whose talking...I haven't posted in awhile...)

omabear said...

Cute pictures, keep writing and sharing. It's good to hear you're enjoying living there. The boys look happy . Trust God in everything. Simple is always best :) :) :) :) :)

Unknown said...

super great pictures of the boys! Tyvan looks so cute holding the trap :) Gosh, what boys!!! I want to see them again! :)